Do Child Support Payments Change?
01 August 2024
IN: Family LawAfter a divorce or relationship breakup with children involved, you may have to deal with child support. Child support is often a contentious issue, but both parents are responsible for financially supporting their children. It’s the law until the child turns 18 or graduates’ high school, whichever happens later.
Child support payments can be significant. You may be paying a few hundred dollars a month or maybe a few thousand, based on your income. But as we all know, things do not last forever.
If you have experienced a life change and are making less money, you may be able to adjust your child support payments. Both the custodial and non-custodial parents have the right to request possible adjustment of the child support order at any time. However, a significant variance is required.
In short, child support amounts can change as life changes. But they do not always go down. Sometimes, they can increase under certain circumstances. For example, if you are the payer and your income increases, so can your support payments. If your child requires additional expenses, such as medical or work-related childcare expenses, you may be ordered to pay more money to the other parent.
If you are not happy with your child support order, it is possible to change it. Here are some valid reasons to make adjustments to the payments.
Change in Income
If you lose your job or experience a significant reduction in income, you could ask for a lower child support amount. But this works both ways. If the other parent finds out that you got a promotion or a raise, they can petition the court for a higher amount.
Significant Life Event
A significant life event could also warrant a change in child support payments. This may include a disability or chronic medical issue that changes your income. If the parent becomes incarcerated or even dies, then that would affect child support as well.
Change in Custody
A change in custody or the residential schedule could mean higher or lower child support payments. If you have primary custody of the child but end up having to give more custody to the other parent due to a new job, you may have to pay more money.
Change in Child’s Needs
Children sometimes have different needs as they get older. A child may develop a chronic medical issue that requires more expenses or there may be changes in the cost of work-related childcare. These situations can cause a change in the amount you pay in child support.
Change in Family Obligations
Besides income, child support is also based on the number of children you have. The more children you have, the more child support you will need to pay. For each child, expect to pay more money.
Contact Our Murfreesboro Child Support Lawyer Today
Child support is not set in stone. Life changes, and so can payment amounts.
Considering a modification? A Murfreesboro family law attorney from The Law Office of David L. Scott can assist you with child support issues. If you are seeking to have child support modified, or if you want to contest a modification, we can assist you. Schedule a consultation to learn more. Call (615) 896-7656 or fill out the online form.